Parents who limit the sugar intake for their children to control behavior may have to rethink their strategy. The New York Times recently published an article debunking sugar rush myth and parents can’t believe it. However, the 1994 scientific data on the subject is fairly antiquated and relies on a smallish study of 25 children …
Author: Richard Aaron Wright
Richard Aaron Wright balances his life as a digital media producer and a father.

33 signs your redneck baby will stay Republican
Do you have a redneck baby? Will he or she become a Democrat or Republican when grown up? The following list of indicators and tests help to determine their future. There are ways to influence the outcome, but remember that children are typically geared toward Republican ways. Nonetheless, see the below list and decide what …

Child poverty in America is a silver spoon everywhere else
The Facebook post status read as follows: “I like child poverty in America. We would be considered rich anywhere else.” I happen to know the author carries a load of college debt. And here’s what a highschool friend living in Marietta, Georgia, posted in response: “Today my daughter complained that she didn’t want cereal for …

Why a baby looks like an old man
Said the little boy, “Sometimes I drop my spoon.” Said the little old man, “I do that too.” The little boy whispered, “I wet my pants.” “I do that too,” laughed the little old man. Said the little boy, “I often cry.” The old man nodded, “So do I.” “But worst of all,” said the …

Planning your own funeral for your kids
Pondering your own death is about as unpleasant as it gets. But planning your own funeral for your kids might be the biggest favor you’ll do for them (other than leaving them a good inheritance). While there’s much one can do to get your will ready, your documented funeral requests, living will, organ donation requests …

Should we ban Halloween costumes?
Is it right to ban Halloween costumes because of a few clown sightings in South Carolina and across the country? These states recently saw a series of “Evil Clown” sightings where children were being taunted by the elusive and not-so-jolly carnival pretenders. We get it, malicious or dangerous activities while dressed up are unacceptable. But …

My toddler says she wants us to repeal hb2 so I can change her diaper
But because public bathrooms are the battlefields where the fight against discrimination has long been waged, more of us are becoming aware of the greater impact bathroom laws are playing in this country’s struggle for equal rights. For this reason we should press for acceptance for those who cross gender lines when using bathrooms, an …

5 ways to answer when my child asks why?
Children ask why because it gives them power. When my child asks WHY? I don’t dismiss it as attention deficit disorder. I have a list of responses to offer. But first, let’s admit the annoyance that comes with serial askers-why children: Louis C. K. offers the funniest reality on the challenges of having to answer …

Nine reasons children love Trump
Donald Trump is unwilling to compromise, unabashed and unlikely to stop at anything short of getting his way. Young children in the U.S. want more of this type of behavior, so has gathered nine reasons children love Trump and how Trump always gets his way. 1. Trump eats whatever he wants Numerous journalists have …

To swaddle or not to swaddle?
We’ve been proponents for common sense parenting from the beginning. Yes, the experts change the parenting rule book every year. To swaddle or not to swaddle? The Washington Post now says swaddling babies increases sudden infant death syndrome. Succumbing to the paranoia of parents who saw the Kim Kardashian picture and started to believe to …

Is my six year old depressed or over-scheduled?
Is my six year old depressed because he or she is overscheduled? Are those extracurricular activities are no longer fun? How can a parent determine how much is too much? And what can a concerned parent do? Are they destined to be a developer stuck in a basement all day? Are they destined to be …

Six precautions for sex in 6th month of pregnancy
Sex in the 6th month of pregnancy is safe and can be more stimulating for a woman than normal. But the below six precautions should be followed. First, check out online testimonials from women entering their last trimester and you’ll understand how intensely blissful sex in 6th month of pregnancy really can be. Sex in …

5 reasons my pregnant wife won’t sleep with me
You might be surprised the reasons my pregnant wife won’t sleep with me. It’s mind-boggling that it could come down to these five things, but once I learned why she wouldn’t have sex with me I got her back. Extracurricular Overload: Who Stole my Sex Pot? Her activities are established with a positive intent …

What a prostitute does when you’re 13
When I was just a dumb kid our gang liked mini-golf, but it was more than that, really. We went to a place my friend Bill called Slut Putt where it was rumored we could get help with more than our putting. (I didn’t know kids could get lessons, either, but then mine was an …

The best part about vaccinations is you don’t die
Vaccinations are a minimal risk for maximum life. Here’s a doctor’s sign we think best sums up the truth about vaccinations. The best part about vaccinations is you don’t die.

Teaching empathy to a child at a hospital
The first time I took my child to a rehabilitation center was the hardest. This video shows five benefits from teaching empathy to a child at a hospital. Whether visiting a rehabilitation center or long-term care facility (often called a nursing home), a hospital environment will be both different and familiar to a child. While …

Official Game Rules: Walkie Talkie
A recent flurry of alliterations on the Internet has birthed a new word game called Walkie Talkie where participants rename everyday items to rhymes. Parents should take care that any game of this nature tends toward the profane. Parental guidance is suggested when following these Walkie Talkie official game rules. A player is chosen at …

Silence a screaming toddler with love
Is your child attempting to negotiate by screaming and crying? Don’t pay a bounty for quiet when you can silence a screaming toddler with love. Reasoned love demands a whole bunch of patience, so forget the unicorns and rainbows and bite the bullet while closing the door on your way out of the room after …

The importance of wrestling with my toddler
We’ve been celebrating those mothers and fathers who get busy rough-housing their kids. The importance of wrestling my toddler cannot be underestimated, and we’re quite happy to see a recent viral video showing dad having fun with his kid. But there are a lot of folks warning against the practice. A recent post on Reddit …

Toddler confronted about egg in the tailpipe
Aaron pulled an Eddie Murphy today and put an egg in the tailpipe of our car.