“A woman and a baby came to the hospital and were admitted after a short wait in the emergency room. The doctor on call was surprised to see such a healthy looking baby and woman there, but decided to take the visit very seriously.
The doctor immediately realizes the baby was not as plump as she should be.
“Is the baby breast fed or do you give her formula?” asks the doctor on call.
“She’s most definitely breast fed,” replied the woman.
“I see,” said the doctor. “I need you to strip down so I can examine you fully.”
The doctor starts prodding the woman, pinching both breasts and giving the woman a thorough examination. Finally, the doctor motions for her to get dressed.
“You don’t have any milk!” The doctor finally admits, somewhat anguished.
The woman smiles wide and responds, “Well that’s because I’m her aunt – but I’m sure glad I brought her in to get the iPhone my sister left in the delivery room.”